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Zhao quickly flew past, Mu Yu smiled and said: Mu brother, how the three of you have time together today ? Is not that what happened ? Mu Yu smile: no thing that come to you to drink. Zhao laughed, cited the trio into the Dong Fu, Laura sent three of them to the food and wine, Mu Yu, then sighed and said: This time you come to a small sea, really is something children. Zhao surprised a moment, puzzled: What happened ? Mu Yu smile: a small sea you know, Wan border battle here in the end how much, and now do not know ray bans online sunglasses sale spared the whole position is located in a very strange, sea side, the remaining few hundred has been surrounded by the upper bound of the five parties, trying to get a larger site is not already, but the sea can have toxic dark purple haze and never stopping, sunglasses sale even want to look at the sea shore is impossible but sunglasses sale did not give up hope, after observing several large multi- industry sector, highly toxic and must be able to Purple Haze dark sea, every five years or so, it will become weaker, but this time, it is the sea the best time, so every five years or so, several large circles will send the younger generation, the strength of the more powerful people who go to sea exploration, hoping to Wood Road side of the sea there is nothing in the end, may not have been aware of this probe after how many times, but no one came back, but the major sector for this exploration has not stopped, it immediately going to the five years of the period, this time the probe is about to start again, but the younger generation, no one is willing to go, because we all know, is a dead go, this time I was looking for you to tell you this thing, Master sits square circles battlefield there, has come to the stage for centuries, and soon substitutions, are catching this juncture, but also out of this thing, it sits in the longevity of the new elders, with the master of the relationship is not very good, sunglasses sale and Magnitude there will not be any danger to the Master has been arranged well, let sunglasses sale now just die off, this time I come to you, is to inform you that you'd better have a small sea immediately retreat, never go to sea exploration, otherwise die.

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你說的可是真的?鐵戰天一臉鄭重的看著張鳳問道。張鳳點了點頭,沉聲道:事實上小海那裡現在已經有了七個長生期的不死生物了,分別是萬妖宗的朱長老,遊魂幫的太上長老和萬妖宗的變色五老,朱長老和遊魂幫的太上長老,是 ugg代購 跟小海對付遊魂幫,滅掉遊魂幫那一役收的,變色五老是 ugg雪靴專賣店 跟小海去,陽明城那裡開山門收弟,在回來的時候,被變色五老圍攻的時候,趙海利用朱長老,和遊魂幫的太上長老,在加上他的實力,把變色五老給滅掉之後收的,正是因為有這幾位長生期強者坐鎮, ugg雪靴專賣店 敢收玄龜老人入幫。

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隨著趙海的一聲令下,整個第一軍團瞬間就集合了起來,不一會兒就站好了隊形,趙海看了眾人一眼,沉聲道:兄弟們, ugg雪靴 第一軍團成立已經有一段時間了,這一段時間, UGG雪靴官網 修真界這裡發生了很多的事兒, UGG雪靴官網 自由聯盟現在已經佔了四州之地,可以跟九大宗門分庭抗禮了,現在北四州平定,九大宗門不敢亂來了, UGG雪靴官網 的任務也完成的差不多了,第一軍團今天也就要解散了。

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所以趙海說完之後,所有第一軍團的人,都大聲道:是,明白了軍團長。趙海點了點頭,看了眾人一眼,接著手一揮,第一軍團所有小隊長的手裡,都多了一塊玉簡,趙海接著沉聲道:現在 UGG雪靴官網 小隊長的手裡都有一塊玉簡,這塊玉簡上標出了 UGG雪靴官網 如何的進行輪換,同時也寫明了集訓聽時候,到時候 UGG雪靴官網 這些小隊長自己算出要什麼時候來輪換,也要知道什麼時候進行集訓,由 UGG雪靴官網 這些小隊長,聯繫 UGG雪靴官網 隊的隊員,要是到時候缺人少人,我就拿 UGG雪靴官網 這些小隊長試問。等那些小隊長都把玉簡收起來,趙海這接著道: UGG雪靴官網 回到各自的宗門之後要好好的修練,我不也 UGG雪靴官網 各宗門之間有什麼恩怨,我要 UGG雪靴官網 記住, UGG雪靴官網 都是第一軍團的人,第一軍團裡的人都是兄弟,一人有難,所有人都得去幫忙,如果 UGG雪靴官網 中的兩個宗門之間發生了大戰的話,給人記住了,盡量不要向自己的兄弟動手,如果 UGG雪靴官網 宗門裡的人怪 UGG雪靴官網 , UGG雪靴官網 就說這話是我說的。

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在兩人的身邊還跟著幾個霸刀門的人,林令沉聲​​對一個霸刀門的人道:之前這個院裡還發生過什麼?一個霸刀門的人道:之前感覺到一股十分精純的水氣,不下於這一次的火氣,兩位長老下令任何人不得靠近這個院,所以 雪靴台灣 一直在這院四周監視,沒有人來過。一聽那人這麼說,林令不由得鬆了口氣,轉頭對向英道:原來兩位長老已經知道了,看來 ugg boots台灣專櫃 是虛驚一場了,不過這小到底在幹什麼,怎麼弄出這麼大的動靜來?

林令點了點頭,兩人直往霸刀門的大樓飛去。林令一聽風凌雲這麼說,不由得一愣,接著他轉頭看了趙海一眼,沉聲道:怎麼回事兒?跟我仔細說說。風凌雲看了四周一眼道:一會兒在說,先把善後的事情處理一下。林令點了點頭,指揮著他帶來的那些人,幫著上善城這裡的人打掃戰場。而這個時候趙海已經收起了他的那些不死生物,不過張鳳 ugg boots台灣專櫃 的臉色還是不太好看,剛剛那隻會隱身的妖獸出手的時候,張鳳 ugg boots台灣專櫃 就知道了虎王的計劃,而 ugg boots台灣專櫃 竟然就這麼上當了,還讓趙海差一點被偷襲,這讓 ugg boots台灣專櫃 都感覺面上無光。

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方姨無意間看了一眼,面色變了變,趕忙低下頭去。海陽笑聲猛然止住,瞇著眼,看著方姨,語氣大變,冷淡道 nike 出去吧。方姨如蒙大赦,推出門外。因為說好了下午要陪暖兒去動物園玩,唐傲之倒是沒食言,休息了一會就動身,劉然楊旭東沒跟著下參合,而是一起找藉口閃人,聯合行動,美曰其名叫'獵食',劉然從前無意間跟陳公子說過一個他的理想,內容就是劉大少打算在全國各地都包養一個情人,各個職業都要有,各種類型都要有,可以是教師,警察,醫生,護士,空姐,白領,學生,甚至教堂修女之類的,很邪惡的一個目標,某人當時聽了之後大加讚賞,並且鼓勵劉大少繼續奮鬥,所以他現在每到一個地方,都忍不住心癢癢去溜達一圈,上海,南京,都是如此,陳平說了句獵 nike air max 一臉,揮手叫三個渣趕緊滾蛋。

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他抬頭看了看表,輕輕抱了趙雅琴一下,笑道不早了, 喬丹男鞋 先回去,以後有機會去學校看你。趙雅琴恩恩點頭,小雞啄米一般,小聲道要不要跟爺爺打個招呼?陳公子想了下,說不用。趙定國現在都沒出門,肯定有自己的事情,這個時候打擾,雖然禮貌,但並不是多麼明智的事情。趙雅琴笑了下,小聲說 喬丹男鞋 送你下樓。兩人並沒有驚動那個隨意一句話都備受關注的老人,悄悄出門,趙雅琴圍了條大紅色的圍巾,樣子比較老土,但帶在她身上,卻很靈氣,她跟在陳平後面,一出門,立刻恢復活潑姿態,蹦蹦跳跳。


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