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However, no troubles like. Ten minutes to go, they came to the big mouth and drink Pavilion II chains from entering the hospital after mén, Oliver pointed to the second floor, he stopped, looked not intend to go upstairs together with Alvin to go. Alvin little bit strange, but did not insist on its own to the second floor, open mén, they saw lying in the hall of the many wounded men. Looking around the circle, Alvin mood sank, the original cheap fifa 14 coins thought out nearly 100 players, more than seventy members back to war over a hundred games as a background to the reference, it is a good result, but I did not expect, indeed back more than 70 right, but it more than seventy inside, there are a dozen demons upper body with a disability, and then count those seriously injured could not rejoin the short term, the whole team spent almost half.

