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Of course, this agreement can only be agreed upon some major aspects, there are a lot of human monks secretly kill the demon Indiana, is very common, and some on the island wounding Wicked also common. Because of the existence of this Agreement, on the island makes a lot of mortals to survive, as the monks and a few other monks are monks protecting the island 's Island, the main island of the party is to protect this peace, this last monk want oakley sunglasses Yunhao invited to join the ranks of it. Yunhao course, politely refused, and after some conversation, Yunhao approximate radius of thousands of miles of this piece have a basic understanding of the sea, this sea islands on the sea naturally human monk sites, a total of three thousand six hundred islands one hundred, a large island has more than seven hundred.

Strength of the forces occupying dozens have spiritual pulse of the island, the strength of weakness can occupy thirty-five islands, the worst can occupy an island. One force is the strongest Yellowstone Island, there are three main island, large main island is the late Yuan Ying monks, and the remaining two main island is the ugg outlet initial repair Yuan Ying, Yuan Ying have these three monks sits, Yellowstone after the island became well-known throughout theenough, this island will occupy Yellowstone dozens Yunhao asked to understand some cases, they leave to leave, though the monks who had been warned Yunhao is best to go hand in hand with the people, otherwise, all the way to cope, but to Wicked, Wicked harassment for the sea, Yunhao take long been accustomed to, cheap oakleys a person can deal with.

Feijian new sail, identifying a new direction after Yunhao rapid flew forward side, with the goal of my heart at ease, cheap oakley sunglasses monks gathered by asking news about the new City Square continent, of course, overseas resources is extremely rich, cheap oakley sunglasses take the opportunity to also be looking for some elixir, or is hunting some evil, remove some material from refining cheap oakley sunglasses body, these materials can also be used as refining refining operator or manoeuvering Dan Dan materials. From the island did not take long, Yunhao encountered a head sea Wicked attacks, this is a octagonal octopus, body large enough to have a building of the house so that each has eight tentacles more than ten feet long, to deal with this software Wicked, use brute force is useless, only use clever force.


