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These medicines, there is no place on a large scale cultivation. Or these herbs have a certain kind of medicine prices will have a greater bō move, but, on the whole, it should be with a strong anti-risk capability. Su Liren slowly said. Sue always, you see, it can disperse grow ? Liu Gang hesitated, asked. Dispersed planting...... Su Liren brow slightly wrinkled up. If concentrated planting, equal to let these villagers will bet on the net worth of all these above, Louis Vuitton Cases difficult to get everyone to accept, and that these herbs can not solve the livelihood of villagers in these two years, MLB Cases we can not allow the villagers to starve belly grow these herbs bar, dispersed planting can reduce the risk of the villagers, but also allows the villagers how little choice.

Dispersed planting, Michael Kors Cases in the management have considerable difficulty, planting herbs involve many aspects of management, and, not exposure to chemical fertilizers and herbs common pesticides, once used, will contaminate these medicines, MLB Cases must ensure the quality of medicines, if quality varies greatly, prices and market will be a problem. Su Liren bitter smile. Liu Gang, lost in thought, they did not speak again, obviously, the two sides in planting herbs above, in fact, not much differences, including the risk of planting herbs, are also considered within the acceptable range, however, the two villagers revenues, it is one of the biggest problems.

Several people also did not talk in the hotel or the hotel business, but talk in the car business, despite knowing that there is suitable for growing herbs Li Tong, however, that local neighborhood Dongxiang,did not go to field trips too, so much an investment, it is naturally need to look at the field of. MLB Cases Nor in the south through the rest, but went straight to the Li Tong, a pedestrian arrived at Li Tong, that is ten o'clock at night. To Li Tong, settled two in hostel stay, Liu Gang called to the deputy governor of cattle ho cloud, cattle ho cloud was originally brought to the Li Zhonglin, Li Zhonglin after the accident, MLB Cases also been implicated in some, this also fell a record large excessive punishment, which is an earlier initiative to move closer to Liu Gang, deputy governor of representation.

